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Our main programs at the Iietta Charity Foundation include feeding, educating, and empowering orphans and widows since we have always been so passionate about it. A big part of who we are has always been our ability to put food on the table and into the mouths of those who are famished to the point of death. Every school day, we serve a large number of kids and people, and the outcomes speak for themselves. When you don’t know when your next meal will be, life is even more difficult because of how big of a difference a meal can make.

Just having access to clean water and a constant supply of food is what so many people just need. We are driven to assist as many people as we can by providing food and water because we have personally witnessed the impact of malnutrition on people and their lives, including children and parents.

When food is scarce, child poverty has been shown to rise as a result of households prioritizing food purchases over their children’s education and health. Child protection concerns grow during times of severe food hardship because care is weakened when caregivers leave children alone or in the care of other children while they go shopping for food. Children who help their parents run the risk of getting expelled from school.

Apart from the negative effects of chronic hunger on a child’s health and comfort, malnourished kids typically struggle to focus in class and are easily distracted, which hinders a child’s capacity to learn and succeed. The list is regrettably endless.

Through our Feeding program, Smile helps those we can by providing regular food supplies, and this is a much-needed service. We run several school feeding programs in Africa and Asia. We give students a nutritious supper that helps them concentrate on their classes and increases their level of attention while they are at school.

No kid should go without food or have to hunt it down as a child. We constantly strive to offer the traditional ingredients from each nation that make hearty dinners for the entire family. Food helps people, especially youngsters, stay focused, grows and develops them, and improves their mood and general wellbeing. Food is essential for allowing individuals to exist and provides them with the nutrients they require to be healthy.

When there is food accessible at school, students perform much better, attendance levels stabilize, and they are better able to focus, work harder, and accomplish more. We’d like to see more of this! The fact that meals are provided for the kids also brings great relief to their relatives, who can rest easy knowing that they are not only getting an education but also food.

To ensure that more people receive food, we desperately need your assistance. Sending money may seem like a simple task, but you must understand how crucially necessary it is. Giving to charities is not the only thing that changes lives; what the money actually accomplishes is. It is both heartwarming and heartbreaking to watch young children’s cheeks light up when they realize the meal in front of them is exclusively for them. It is incredible to witness a mother’s relief when she receives a month’s worth of basic food supplies for her family and realizes that this is the fulfillment of her deepest wishes.

You realize the importance of feeding the world’s most needy when you see a widow sob in front of you, full of thanks for providing food at her most trying moments.

If you want to help, please think about making a donation right away.




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